Tuesday, April 15, 2008

webcam 2001

some clips from my webcam of 2001 all mashed together - good clips of Ricky but mainly all of me and my son Ross. Stay tuned for 1 Minute 57 seconds to see Ricky getting woken up after a night out....watch the finger!!

Ross loves McDonalds. When he was younger I remember driving along and asking if he wanted to go to McDonalds. He said he just wanted Tomatoe soup. My closing argument was 'you'll get a toy at McDonalds'. What a great health promoting dad I am!!!!!

more down under - stacey lee

further to my deep shame of falling out of touch with Ricky I have also fallen out of touch with another of mybestest friends in the whole world. Stacey Lee!!

Stacey was my best friend from 1994 onwards when we met in college. We had so many great times together and i love her loads.

I suggested Stacey get a job in McDonalds as I already worked there.

Memorable moments included

- the xmas/ new year close we did together. We went to visit one of our old college lecturers at break time and had a few drinks. the rest of the shift was finished in a very merry fashion.

- the day we got to McDonalds and the snow was so bad they were sending people home. stacey and me went home and made snowmen and threw snowballs

- telling graeme Innes that stacey, Marion and me had had a threesome and he believed it. i was surprised that anyone would believe that i had had a twosome never mind a threesome. he wasnt chuffed when he found out the truth:o)

I have soo many great memories of stacey but they dont have a lot to do with McDonalds so arent really appropriate for this blog. needless to say I miss her and Ricky loads and loads as they were my best pals during my time at McDonalds.

Stacey and Marion at the Crew night out in Reds 1995.

A great example of Stacey's indestructable fringe which would fail to be moved even when on rollercoasters or during thunderstorms

Here is a photo from my leaving night in 1998. there is Stacey in the middle having changed her classic fringe cut. on the left is Rught McKnight who left McDonalds to become a child minder and on the right is Kirsty Lee who also worked in McDonalds Trongate but went on to a long a prosperous career in Motherwell McDonalds and enjoyed being a part hostess there.

Anyway if you were down under who would you rather meet up with other than one of your ex mcDonald chums....Ricky O'Kane of course.

This photo was taken fairly recently when Ricky and Stacey met up down under. This is the most recent photo I have seen of stacey recently since my 30th birthday and she is looking great. I hope she is enjoying life down under.

Just found out that she has a Bebo page and loads of photo's on there.

Ricky where's the Dunnie??

Ricky O'Kane, former crewmember(5stars) and floor manager extrordinaire has moved down under. Further congratulations goes to Ricky as he became engaged just before he left. Yes the bachelor of the 90's and naughties has finally became unavailable!! He had been going out with a lovely girl called Claire who comes from wishaw (lovely girls coming from Wishaw are a rare breed)

here is the lovely couple here

To my shame I havent kept in touch with Ricky the past few years and I'm missing him loads. I have kept up to date with his antics through friends and his online blog (http://www.travelblog.org/Bloggers/Claire-and-Ricky/)

He seems to be doing great and enjoying himself down under. who knows when he will be back. I'll need to add some funny stories and funny pictures of him. in the meantime here are some more decent photo's of him and Claire:-

the image of Harold Bishop and Ricky getting on like a house on fire springs to mind when I see this picture!!!

I see Ricky's interests havent changed much. I believe this pub is called the fox and the kangeroo!!!!

lots of Love to you and Claire. Congratulations on becoming engaged. Hope you have a long and happy life together guys.

PS dont forget I have lots of embarressing pics of you which can be published anytime. This is not a blackmail attempt I will just put them on at some point.

I've got ten layers on and its still freezing in here

I'm sure i have spoke about these lovely ladies before but dont think i included their photo.

Two of the most famous customers in the time I was at McDonalds were May (on the left) and the Polar bear (on the right).

The Polar bear held the title of Polar bear as no matter the time of year she would come in with about ten layers on and still complain that it was freezing in the shop. She kirby gripped her wooly hat to her head and I was convinced she had a few hot water bottles stashed under her five winter coats. If memeory serves me right she aways asked for fresh fries as well which used to drive Michelle Fenton up the wall!!.

May was her afternoon buddy. The Polar bear started going elsewhere and stopped coming which meant May had to seek out some new buddies. She hooked up with Tam and some others who i dont remember well. Tam was her man and when McDonalds started offering free refills it opened up a whole new social life for the lot of them. Tam was devoid of any niceties and would order his hommies next round whilst coughing and you were fucked for a thank you as well.

Ricky didnt really get on with May. something to do with her getting mugged one night and not thanking him for his help.