Whazzup Wasim!

One of the most memorable crewmembers has to be Wasim. Always a cheery guy on shift I will never forget him showing me his method of hanging a cloth or a tray in front of him to conceal “Little Wasim” when he was standing to attention which was very often during the summer months somehow?? I think Waz just got very "excited" no matter where he was mind you.

He was a bit of a brain box as he did one degree and still not satisfied with one degree in physics went on for another one. I actually met him years later when I was working in Boots and he was a stock boy there studying interplanetary physics.
Waz was a great guy and had plenty to say for himself. He may even be called Dr Akbar these days. Always had a special way with the ladies and seduced a few of the McDonalds girls.
In 1994 we had a fancy dress day in McDonalds and Waz came as a terrorist. He terrorised customers into going supersize!!

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