Thursday, September 04, 2008

Ricky is tieing the knot

Crewmember/ Manager extrordinaire Ricky O'Kane is finally getting hitched to long term G/F and Fiance Claire Smith. Ricky didnt stray too far from home and is getting married to an ex airdrie McDoanlds crewmember!

(Ricky and Claire)

The big day is the 11th of December in Glasgow. He and Claire are flying home from Australia for the big day. I heard Gerry mcCudden is the minister who is marrying them haha!!! All our love to the big yin and his filly!!

(Ricky dreaming about getting hitched)

New Crewmember alert

I just recieved word that Jane Kircaldy has given birth to a baby boy. his name is Ross Alexander "something".

(thats jane on the left)

I know Jane loved me but didnt realise she would use the name of my son "Ross Alexander O'Donnell" for the name of her own. Great name so can't blame her I suppose :oP
anyways all the best to Jane/ hubby and baby Ross Alexander.