MORNING has broken (his silence})

All round cracking crewmember and Ant and Dec fan fan STEPHEN MORNING got in touch to update his status as Glasgows number one in demand man about town:-
Well since its taken me so long to add this to the blog. Stephen and his fiance are probably married by now. All the best to them. I just wonder if their first song was PJ and Duncans "lets get ready to rumble".Okay so what I have been upto. If memory serves I left McD’s Dec 1996…after 4 years to deal with the Uni work and final year project. Graduated in July 1997 and got my first professional job Nov 1997 with a company called BancTec – an in house software development company that developed paper processing systems for the likes of Banks (Clearing Systems and back office systems) and British Airways etc etc. That was a great job and I loved it and I was with them for 4yrs. However my manager changed and the new one took a disliking to me as I was not a ‘Yes’ man and so they made me redundant during the financial problems with the Banks in the in the early 2000’s. But I did not complain as the redundancy package was fantastic and allowed me to take a year out.
After the year I joined the current company I am still working for – Atex Media Command. Again a Software Development company. This company is also fantastic and is the largest Multi Media Company for publishers and newspapers and magazines – we develop everything from Advertising, Editorial Content to distribution and circulation – basically we develop software that allows the newspapers to be produced and distribute their papers and get them out to the likes of you and me. Been working with Atex now for about 8yrs and it’s been great.
So started working with Atex in the UK and since my knowledge on Software Development and the product was great (if I do say so myself hee hee) the company asked me to come over to Malaysia and start up a new team here. So I rose to the challenge and came over. Originally I was only meant to be over for a year and then come back to the UK, but I loved the place so much I decided to stay. Since the company seen the advantage of me being here they agreed and I was transferred. So came over start of 2005 and been here ever since – approx 4-5 yrs.
Well since coming over there has been major development – fell in love with my fiancé Josephine and we are getting married next year – May 2010. We both have properties I have a condo she has a house….so as we are saving to get married we decided to rent my place out and we move in together and that will allow us to cut costs.
Since leaving McD’s I have not really seen any of the old crew. The only one I saw was Chick…and he was working in the McD’s on Great Western Rd as a FM still I think…. I have seen Mannus (Kev Callaghan’s younger brother) a long time ago and he was working in spec savers or something but not sure what he has been upto since I seen him last.
I remember coming in after I graduated and I was with possibly my mum and my brother and you were working the lobby – this was after the old crew room was moved upstairs to make the upstairs lobby bigger and I remember you saying come back and work!!! I still occasionally think of McD’s as it was fond memories….especially the fox and the hound every Friday and Sat night after your shift and going out clubbing…good old times.
I think one of my best outings with McD’s is between Blackpool pleasure beach or Alton Towers. Cannot remember specifics or names but was there not someone that went on the rides and got puked on and came off covered in spue…cannot remember the exact detailsL
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