Ricky where's the Dunnie??
Ricky O'Kane, former crewmember(5stars) and floor manager extrordinaire has moved down under. Further congratulations goes to Ricky as he became engaged just before he left. Yes the bachelor of the 90's and naughties has finally became unavailable!! He had been going out with a lovely girl called Claire who comes from wishaw (lovely girls coming from Wishaw are a rare breed)
here is the lovely couple here
To my shame I havent kept in touch with Ricky the past few years and I'm missing him loads. I have kept up to date with his antics through friends and his online blog (http://www.travelblog.org/Bloggers/Claire-and-Ricky/)
He seems to be doing great and enjoying himself down under. who knows when he will be back. I'll need to add some funny stories and funny pictures of him. in the meantime here are some more decent photo's of him and Claire:-

the image of Harold Bishop and Ricky getting on like a house on fire springs to mind when I see this picture!!!

I see Ricky's interests havent changed much. I believe this pub is called the fox and the kangeroo!!!!
lots of Love to you and Claire. Congratulations on becoming engaged. Hope you have a long and happy life together guys.
PS dont forget I have lots of embarressing pics of you which can be published anytime. This is not a blackmail attempt I will just put them on at some point.
I used to work with Claire in Motherwell McD's - wit a small world!
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