New pictures from Kenny Barclay
Kenny Barclay sent me lots of new pictures that he had scanned in. Kenny had left to work at Springburn by the time I started work in Trongate so I dont know too much about him. Great pictures though and had some crewmembers I totally forgot about as I hadnt managed to capture them on film. - Click on the pictures for a larger image.
Kenny Barclay on Till. Looks like Andy Purdon sneaking in at the side.
More of Kenny in the crewroom
Is that outside the old laundry room?
From Right to left: Stephen Morning with hair styled by cap. (the old Cap hair and pickled fingers drinking sessions were great) - Andy Purdon - is the last one Jennifer who used to go out with Derek the Stoner??
Paul Broadley at Wrap and Call. When you got a real container for your burger
Mick Muir with his best customer pleasing face on. (whos that in the background)
Here is a picture of Toni - I totally forgot about Toni. She must have left not long after I started
Is this Heavy Metaller Iain something? I mind his hair was right down his back.
The Battle of Rosy cheeks. ( iknow who I would have bet on). I cant believe Graeme Innes ever look so young.
Brilliant pictures. Thanks Kenny. If anyone else has some good ones to scan in that would be great.