Sunday, July 20, 2008

Broadley Speaking

Paul Broadley sent me a wee message on Friendsreunited as well. I didnt know Paul all that well as I started in McDonalds in Sep 1993 and according to his friendsreunited info he left in 1994. I remember him being quite a funny guy and seemed easy to get on with. I know all the crew liked him. I stole this photo from Friends reunited:-

I do remember him having a big blonde bowl cut though. needs a new bowl by the looks of it :o) His profile doesnt say much just that he is married with two children. His son who is 15 recently won gold in rowing for under 16's in Scottish schools competition in Strathclyde park.

Yorkfun Cheung and Scott Hannah

Since Friends Reunited has went all free I have heard from a few people from McDonalds.

Yorkie recently sent me a wee message and said that Her and Scott Hannah have been happily married for the past 7 years and have three children together. She is currently on Maternity leave their fourth. When she's not up the stick... sorry I meant.. with child of course, she works with Glasgow city council as a carer. Not sure what Scott does I'll need to ask :o)

Yorkie and Scott were already working in McDonalds when I arrived. Both were very nice and made you feel welcome. Not like some of the more sadistic crew members. Scott left before Yorkie and I'm sure he was working for Royal mail but I may be wrong.

All these pctures were taken at the 1994 trip to Alton Towers. Thanks to Ricky O'Kane for providing them. The last one below is Yorkie getting carried about by Brian (whatwasisnameagain). She was such a demanding premadona that she refused to walk :oP

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Derek and Linda have children

I just found out through the new Friendsreuntied website that Derek and Linda now have weans.

It was years ago in McDonalds that I knew that Derek fancied Linda and on top lobby I told her of his love. She confided in me that she fancied him too and the rest is history....If it wasnt for me they may never have gotten together :o)

Anyway they have two children now. Euan and Alisha. Congratulations guys.