Elaine McLaren
I recently got an Email from Elaine McLaren.
Elaine was one of the "Lenzie Crew" which included Graeme McInnes, Ricky Okane and Kate (whatwashersurname?). I bet there were othere but these were the crewmembers that added a bit of uppercrust class to our raggedy bunch :o)
Elaine went out with Stuart Horsburgh for a bit (obviously slumming it for a while :o) sorry stuart :o)
Here is the only picture i could find of Elaine.. thought i had more but they mustve alll been in my head ;O) here is jane sandwiched by neil and jane kirkcaldy.
Jane went from McDonalds Trongate to Princes street McDonalds. There she reached the heady heights of floor manager.
Elaine now live in Edinburgh and has finally moved on from a promosing career in McDonalds management through to a career in public relations where she has been working with a range of clients from Whyte and Mackay to various property companies as well as dominoes pizza. This also includes the one and only Susan Boyle
Elaine is now self employed and her twitter account describes her as "Ginger PR. Half in Auld Reekie, half in The Weege and with a toe in Aberdeen. Communications and media mistress extraordinaire - and scout. "
Here is the rest of her CV:-
"With over ten years experience I am PR expert with vast range of experience from consumer to corporate and everything inbetween.
I offer a range of services that help raise my clients' profile and offering, whether it’s a product, service or experience.
These include:
• Media relations campaigns
• Media promotions
• Social media
• Media training
• Internal communications
• Copywriting
• Stakeholder engagement
I've worked with some of the biggest consumer names around including Domino’s Pizza, Whyte & Mackay, Buchanan Galleries, Ortak Jewellery, Barratt Homes and Princes Square as well as dozens of local brands and businesses such as Edinburgh Leisure, City Gym Glasgow, The Irn Bru Carnival and Glasgow Women’s Aid.
Working with these brands and organisations, speaking to the media on their behalf has strenghtened my relationship with the press meaning procative media campaigns are very much at the heart of what I do. "
We always love to hear about McD's employees doing well and succeeding in life. on yerself Elaine!!!