Watch out - Alan Sharps about

This is the only picture I could find of Mr Sharp. i was sure I had more! He is the one in the middle by the way. Sandwiched between Dave Falconer and Derek Smith. Update - found some more photos!
Checked out his friends reunited page and all it has on it is:-
"Working as software consultant, getting pissed far more often than is good for me and generally living it up. "
Come on Mr Sharp give us some more info!!
Alan had a bit of Wicked/ bastard sense of humour. He played a lot of jokes on Martin Mountford whilst they were living together including telling him he had won the lottery/ reading his mail. I know that Ricky O'Kane has never forgiven him for the joke he played on him. Ricky was walking Alan out the shop so he could lock up behind him. Alan took the keys, locked the door whilst it was still open and threw they keys all the way down the lobby. Sop Ricky had to walk all the way up the lobby to get they keys and back down again just to lock the doors.
Although here they are looking awfully chummy..... must be the drink!!
Never mind Jeremy Beadle, Watch out Sharpies about
If anyone has anymore information/ stories on this prankster I'll gladly post them up?
He still has the same sense of humour,although it tends to be soley directed at me now.Can't believe there's a mcD's website,and further still..........NO FOOKIN MENTION OF ME!!!!All my love and warm memories to all who remember me,Mick Muir.x
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