the KING is gone but not forgotten....

Kev King was one of the old school McDonalds. Similar to most of the floor managers he qualified for management just by sticking about for years... but Kev also knew his stuff. He could whip the arse off a batch of 12 cheeseburgers whilst maintaining wrap and call/ serving at the till and sweeping up behind him. He was nothing short of a legend.... like a one man Mcdonalds store!!
Kev had been working there since I started and is the only person I have ever met who sported a smashing flame haired AFRO...although he would never allow me to touch it. After a few years he got it all chopped off leaving only his frizzy public hair with the same AFRO qualities....although the self centred git would never let me touch that either....self self self!!!
I have heard that he is currently working in the Music biz over in ireland somewhere. I learned this through harrassing one of his mates, John, who works for the ABC on suchiehall street.

I was gutted that I couldn't find a picture of Kev with his wiry hair so using the latest in technology I have came up with this in the meantime to give you an idea:-
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