
Ah the McRibs were one of my fave McDonalds meals. I remember when theyfirst came out and each patty had to be dipped completely in the BBQ sauce. They were a pain in the arse to make but tasted fantastic. In later versions the BBQ sauce was applied using a dispenser similar to the ketchup dispensers.
According to the website McRibs were first available in 1981 but I think that was in America. I remember them as part of the Route 66 special's which must have been about 94 or so.

Look at the cast from star wars getting wired into their McRib burgers. The McRib is alive and well on the internet with lots of people all over the world demanding it's return.... and who can blame them!!
Heres one of the educational posters we had up in trongate explaining what went on the old rib,:-

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